In previous exhibitions we have told our story of change. In the last two years we have experienced change on a magnitude we could not have imagined. Right across the business our agility has been tested and our evolution has taken paths that even detailed scenario planning had not foreseen. Of course, nobody can accurately predict the future, all we can do is be prepared to engage with the opportunities that appear.
The latest works in our collection reflect this dynamic outlook as we take on the greatest challenge of our era, supporting our clients to make their businesses sustainable and low impact. There are many strands to this, and we are active in a number of spaces that will lead the way to a better future.
The Art of the Possible reflects what we strive for. It showcases passion and ingenuity elevated to an art form, all sponsored and inspired by the challenges our clients bring us.
I hope you enjoy our art, and if you are curious about Wood, the work we do and our views on the future, please reach out to us.
I wish you a successful APPEA 2021.
Robin Watson
Chief Executive, Wood
A business must have many leaders and we nurture our management to create the leaders of tomorrow.
A successful, sustainable business must balance the need to draw on past experience while staying ahead of progress.
What can you gain from seeing a different view of your asset? You will recognise this picture in one direction as a typical offshore installation, but your asset also exists in a virtual world – inextricably linked to the physical world by data.
As a global corporate citizen, it is our privilege to supply and support communities at a local level. We celebrate the diversity of cultures that comprise our world class organisation, a community of experts in one unique integrated family that drives our success. We are delighted to reflect this passion by showcasing the skills of local indigenous artists.
Take a look through the porthole and glimpse a world of engineering rarely seen. As the world’s leading independent provider of subsea and export systems, we support any equipment that works in or under water.
As we work to reduce our carbon footprint and create a sustainable future for our industry who will lead the way? Contribute to this interactive art piece by placing stickers on the canvas to represent your views.
Decommissioning is a very different combination of solutions, and there are many options available. Whatever flavour your asset is we have the expertise to support your transition through late life optimisation into decommissioning and recycling.
This image represents the message that the world ahead of us is nothing like the world behind. It is a future that is full of change - a myriad of political, social, environmental, economic and technological trends impacting our world at an unprecedented pace.
This image represents our readiness for what lies ahead. We are not only ready, but optimally placed to make the new world reality, as pioneers of the possible.
This image represents where we are now. We are not waiting for the future to come to us. We are, in many respects, there already. Just look at some of the work we are undertaking today to ready the world for a new way of living tomorrow.
The canvas speaks to Wood's history and vision through a leader who has been at the forefront of the oil and gas industry for the past 40 years. Inspiring with ingenuity, partnering with agility, creating new possibilities, Wood is taking major steps in building a broader range of solutions across energy so our customers and the world has a sustainable future.
Our ability to adapt and evolve has always made the headlines. Now, as energy needs transition we are bold, ambitious and future focused. Harnessing our global capability to pioneer new sources of energy, best utilise those that already exist and build a future that is cleaner, more efficient and more sustainable for the environment, the economy and society as a whole.
This simple tactile piece of concrete and rebar is a small core removed from a hundred-meter cylinder of concrete. The hole left by this core housed the ‘shear keys’ designed to keep the topsides in place while the leg is cut, in preparation for lifting the entire structure off the supporting legs. This critical part of the decommissioning project is a solid example of collaboration and ingenuity.
Energy transition is about revitalising our existing methods of production, making them cleaner and more efficient while also optimising alternative power solutions and applying the best of both options to meet the growing demand. From one vantage point you can see traditional energy solutions and from the other vantage you can see examples of digital disruption and renewable energy.
We believe our people are our greatest asset. Wood is a community of 60,000 of the sharpest minds across the world, and these faces represent all that we can make possible. We believe that our differences differentiate us and bring our diverse thoughts, skills and ideas together, to overcome some of the world’s biggest problems.
Like the famous image entitled ‘Lunch atop a skyscraper’ from the 1930’s in New York City, we re-imagined it for your participation. In celebration of our Art of the Possible experience and Aberdeen’s iconic new conference centre we invite attendees at Offshore Europe 2019 to take a seat on the bench for a selfie.
When it comes to operating assets, we take a different view, partnering with customers to align with their goals. Our unique approach is highly successful, in addition to operating many offshore platforms we are now responsible for assets delivering around 20% of the UK gas supply.
Across the world we have built centres of excellence, pooling our know-how around the operational hubs of the world, gathered expertise in specialist disciplines and built experience of challenging environments. This interactive globe shows some of the projects, our people and offices where we are making a difference. Take a spin in our world.
We like to keep one eye on the past and the other on the future. As we look through the lens of the past, we have a solid foundation of understanding and a strong platform of driving change. As we look through the lens of the future, we see an ever-evolving business, exploring new ideas and expanding.
Integrity is the invisible challenge at the heart of your asset. Just like safety, successful integrity should produce no results – no incidents, no breaches, no breakdowns. This sculpture looks brand new, but corrosion is already working on it, breaking down materials and placing strain on connections and welds. It is the constant battle against the ravaging forces of nature and the corrosive power of the products we handle.
What does your asset look like in 8D? Go beyond the physical dimensions and enter a virtual world of data that can transform the way you look at your asset. Work your way through the many dimensions of data in an augmented environment that can be built into your asset to follow every aspect of its performance and plan future developments.
The projects that Wood support often make a major contribution to global industrial markets and economies. Yet, wherever we work, we feel strongly that we deliver value to customers while making a positive impact on local communities and economies.
When you marry the power of technology and data with Wood’s years of problem-solving ingenuity, the possibilities and opportunities are endless. The impact of disruptive digital technology is accelerating faster than ever. Changing the world as we know it. This digital collage highlights that when you partner with Wood, you are future ready now.
This artwork denotes Wood’s Design One, Build Many philosophy. This approach is driven by our desire to deliver cost savings in the engineering and construction of production facilities for our clients, by replicating a proven design of couture standards. The best-in-class design elements of one facility enables the swift production of a complete engineering package for the next.
This year’s theme for Offshore Europe is ‘Breakthrough to excellence – our license to operate’, addressing the challenges and opportunities facing our industry, and Wood wants to hear from you! Contribute to this interactive art piece by placing stickers on the canvas to represent the two areas you feel will have the most impact on the pace and extent of the energy transition.
We'd love to hear from you