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Decommissioning is a very different combination of solutions, and there are many options available. Whatever flavour your asset is we have the expertise to support your transition through late life optimisation into decommissioning and recycling.

Repetition and evolution have shaped our experience in the most mature and competitive markets around the world so whatever future you can picture for your asset, we’ll help you get there.


Wood has an impressive track record in decommissioning around the world, most notably in the UK North Sea where there are some of the most mature, complex and extended assets, operating in some of the harshest conditions. Having cut our teeth in this challenging environment we are well placed to provide the most appropriate solutions.

There may be significant opportunities for late life operations either through ongoing ownership or a sublease to alternative operators. And when the time comes, we can help you weigh up the risks and benefits to help you choose the right decommissioning and removal options. Careful management of your operations into late life can extend margins while deferring costs and building the required investment for a safe, successful CoP.

Artwork suggests multiple combinations available for asset decommissioning – talk through heavy lift, medium lift and piece small, as well as repurposing, sublease and late life asset management for deferred costs etc.

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