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Delayed Digital Coking, creating better connected operations

Downstream refining capacity is increasing around the world and refiners need to extract more value from every barrel of oil they process. Wood is exploring ways to apply digital processes to its proprietary technologies like our Delayed Coking technology to increase output, operate more efficiently, predict and minimise downtimes, and ultimately, deliver enhanced performance.

Digitally integrate, monitor and optimise

Digital Delayed Coking allows refiners to digitally integrate, monitor and optimise their coking operations – from feedstock input to product output – as well as achieve better connectivity in the dynamic relationships across the entire refinery facility and enterprise.

We combine our proprietary process technology with the leading cloud-based predictive analytics platform from Honeywell, one of our technology partners, known as Honeywell Forge. As well as delivering enhanced output, digital Delayed Coking improves process reliability through early event detection and recommending corrective actions, leveraging our domain knowledge as a licensor to provide closer monitoring and expert oversight. This includes avoiding unplanned downtime due to processing issues and equipment failures; understanding operator challenges to ensure the right skills and expertise are there when required; and the ability to monitor and optimise plant operation in real time.

Wood’s Digital Delayed Coking solution improves process reliability, increases operational agility and improves overall plant performance.

As the licensor for trusted engineering and processing technology asset design, we use our deep domain knowledge and years of experience to understand the best ways to use connected operation technologies, ensuring clients maximise their potential outputs and, ultimately, revenue.

We are excited about how we can deploy new digital process technology solutions and enhance connected operations across the entire energy and built environment sectors.

With Wood you can be ready for the future, now.

Discover a better process through digital technology. Talk to our team today!


Steve Beeston

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