How has COP26 changed the outlook for clean hydrogen?
There is a common misconception that steam methane reforming (SMR) technology is dated and does not stack up economically or provide high carbon capture rates when compared with other hydrogen production technologies. It is important to scrutinise and challenge these myths to understand what technology best suits an organisation’s project requirements.
Through continuous development and innovation, our new generation of blue SMR technology provides a greater economic and efficient alternative for production needs at large capacities.
Reduced operational and capital expenditure through removing the need for costly post-combustion flue gas carbon capture.
The simplicity and flexibility of the steam generation to provide zero export steam or produce enough excess steam to support the carbon capture technology process if required.
SMR has the longest proven track record of natural gas-based H2 production technologies in the market.
Fully modular plant, including our unique Terrace Wall™ furnace support optimised schedule, lower total installed cost and reduced construction time.
Integrated pre-combustion carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS) allows up to 95% CO2 emission reduction with potential further reductions through electrification.
Reduced carbon footprint by minimising fuel gas consumption and optimising steam production.
Unit revamping opportunities to achieve debottlenecking, increase capacity and CAPEX-friendly revamps to extend the life of existing SMR assets in an environment of growing clean hydrogen demand.
SMR presents a cost-effective solution for H2 production and offers owners the choice to switch energy vectors as the end-markets for H2, liquid H2, MCH and ammonia develop later this decade. This versatility in application helps operators’ phase and de-risk their CAPEX as the market matures.
As the demand for energy increases and the need to address climate change becomes more prevalent, the political, industrial and societal expectation to reduce emissions is greater than ever.
The complexity of the hydrogen opportunity varies significantly from region to region depending on the local natural resources and existing infrastructure.
SMR is the most scalable and readily available technology in the market today, and it is estimated that over 95% of the world’s hydrogen is currently produced via SMR.
Our technology is applicable for both greenfield and brownfield projects, provides a lower CAPEX and will reduce OPEX for operators whilst simultaneously improving the efficiency of assets and cutting the environmental impact.