Annual reports

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Our performance1
(2022: $5,469m) 8%
Adjusted EBITDA2
(2022: $388m) 9%
Operating profit/(loss)
(2022: $(565)m) N/A
Order book3
(2022: $6,017m) 4%
Net debt excluding leases4
(2022: $393m) 76%
Free cash flow5
(2022: $(704)m) N/A


* Please note that certain information concerning executive directors’ remuneration was inadvertently omitted from 2023 Annual Report. Page 141 describes the three financial measures for the bonus year ended 31 December 2023. It also describes the outcome of two of the measures; however, the outcome for the growth measure (revenue backlog additions) was omitted. That information is available on our Remuneration page.


Please note: All the reports above are PDF downloads.

** Please note a correction to the 2022 Annual Report. On page 47, the Annual Report incorrectly states that “the Company achieved the following outcomes… agreeing a revised Climate Transition Plan with UKEF”. It should have stated “the Company achieved, or aims to achieve, the following outcomes… agreeing a revised Climate Transition Plan with UKEF”.