Wood Pensions news and reporting to members

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Pension Portal
How much pension savings will you need?

The survey button below should help you answer the above question and give you an idea if you are on track to meet your retirement lifestyle goal.

The current state pension is £9,630 pa (2022/23), and the current retirement age is 65 for men and women, set to increase to 67 by 2028.

If you are not on track to achieve your required pension pot, consider increasing your pension contributions. As a rule of thumb, your overall contribution percentage (including Wood’s contribution) needs to be roughly half your age to achieve your desired pot value at age 65, so if you are 40 this means 20%.

Why not take 5 minutes to complete the survey. Remember you can change your pension contribution % at any time in the flex portal.

Quick 5 minute survey

Pension Scams

Be ScamSmart and keep your pension savings safe by reading this short note from The Pensions Regulator.

Pension scam awareness

Security of Assets – DC Section

Your retirement funds are held on an investment platform supplied by Scottish Widows.  The attached document from Scottish Widows will hopefully provide some reassurance to you about the security and protections afforded to your investments

Security of assets

Statement of Investment Principles - Updated Sep 2024

The Statement of Investment Principles defines the policies and principles that govern decisions on how the Plan’s DB and DC investments are managed.

Our principles

Investment Policy Implementation Document - Updated Sep 2024

The Plan’s Investment Policy Implementation Document describes the investment categories and the managers used to deliver the investment strategy, as well as other information on the management of the assets.

Our investments

Trustee’s Report & Accounts

The Trustee produces an annual Report & Accounts, summarising the key activities within the Plan and the financial movements over the year. Also included is a statement by the Trustee Chair about the governance of the DC Section of the Plan, including a section on charges, transaction costs and value for members and the Statement of Investment Principles with an accompanying implementation statement.

2023 Report & Accounts
2022 Report & Accounts
2021 Report & Accounts

2020 Report & Accounts

Pensions Newsletters and News Bulletins

Pension News is the newsletter for members of the Wood Pension Plan.

Pensions Newsletter Winter 2023

Pensions Newsletter Winter 2022

Pensions Newsletter Winter 2021

Pension News Bulletin August 2021

Pensions Newsletter Winter 2020

DC Highlights 2020 (DC section only)

A useful infographic demonstrating the benefits of the DC Section

Highlights 2020

Summary Funding Statement 2023 (DB Section only)

A summary of the funding position following the results of the most recent actuarial valuation of the Plan which was carried out as at 31 March 2023


Address tracing update

A note to members regarding address tracing activity. Please make every effort to inform the team of changes of address.

Address tracing

We are currently working with a company called Target Professional Services, to trace members we have lost touch with. We understand that over time our members may have moved address and forgotten to update us. Therefore, we are taking a pro-active step to keep in touch and make sure the details we hold are accurate and up to date.

Wood target website

TCFD -  climate reporting

Annual TFCD Report

Wood Pension Plan – DB Section

Find details of your DB pension

Document Library

Find a form or guide

Who manages the Wood Pension Plan?

Meet the Pensions Team and Trustee Directors

UK Pensions

Wood UK pensions home page

Wood Pensions

Introduction to pensions and the Wood Pension Plan

Wood Pension Plan – DC Section

Find details of your DC pension