Wood Share Plans UK

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As an employee of Wood the share plans are your chance to invest in our company and our collective success.

Wood is offering you the opportunity to participate in the new UK Share Incentive Plan as well as the global Employee Share Plan.

How the plans compare

Share Incentive Plan (SIP) Employee Share Plan (ESP)
You must be a UK tax resident and employed by a UK entity of Wood   You must be living and working in a participating country and paid by a participating Wood entity
You choose to contribute a fixed value in British Pounds   You choose to contribute a % of your salary
Contributions are taken from your gross pay (before tax)  Contributions are taken from your net pay (after tax)
You can change how much you wish to contribute during the year You can change how much you wish to contribute during the year
Shares are purchased once a month, every month Shares are purchased once a month, every month
Buy 2 shares – get 1 extra Buy 2 shares – get 1 extra
Matching shares are available to you after 3 years  Matching shares are available to you after 2 years
Matching shares are tax & NICs free (if held for 5 years in total)   Matching shares are subject to income tax & NICs
You accrue dividends on Matching Shares from the start of the plan   You accrue dividends on Matching Shares after tax after the 2-year waiting period
Dividend Shares are tax free after 3 years   Dividend Shares may be subject to income tax
Shares sold from the SIP are not subject to tax if certain conditions are met
  Shares sold may be subject to capital gains tax
You can contribute up to a maximum of £1,800 per year   You can contribute up to a maximum of 10% of salary per year
Once enrolled, your contributions will be ongoing and re-enrolment is not required   From 2024, once enrolled, your participation will be auto-enrolled every annual plan cycle
Find out more
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Contribution limits

Share Incentive Plan

The maximum contribution you can make is:

£150 per month, or 10% of annual salary if lower


Employee Share Plan

The maximum contribution you can make is:

10% of your annual salary

If you join both plans your total annual contribution to both plans cannot exceed 10% of your annual salary per year.

Use this calculator to determine how much you can contribute to both plans

Interactive calculator

Enter your annual salary below:

per annum

The maximum you can contribute to the SIP is:

per month

Now enter how much you wish to contribute to the SIP:

per month

The maximum you can now contribute to the ESP is:

per annum



Find out more about the Wood share plans in our webinar


My Account

Access your online EquatePlus account with Computershare link or download the app.

View annual reports
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This website is for information purposes only and it does not contain investment advice. It does not constitute a public offer to sell or a solicitation to purchase shares in John Wood Group PLC, nor is it an invitation to join the Wood Share Plans. You should read the full documentation provided for your relevant location, which is available above before making any decision to participate in the plan. If you are in any doubt as to the action you should take you are recommended to seek your own financial advice from an appropriately authorised independent financial advisor.