Case study

Artificial Intelligence improving tidal energy

Playing a leading role in making tidal energy part of the global energy transition

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Project details
Project name:
Artificial Intelligence improving tidal energy
Client name:
Nova Innovation
Key facts
Delivering savings:
Expected to deliver a 17% cost saving on the levelised cost of tidal energy
Tools used:
Artificial intelligence
Sharing our knowledge:
The control technology will be demonstrated on a tidal device in Brittany, France

A consortium, led by Nova Innovation in collaboration with 11 other organizations including Wood, has led a European project that will use artificial intelligence (AI) to improve tidal turbine performance and accelerate the commercialisation and scale of tidal energy.

The €5 million ELEMENT project will incorporate state-of-the-art AI technology from wind energy into tidal turbines to deliver an adaptive control system that improves turbine performance, slashing the lifetime cost of energy by 17% and driving the tidal energy sector to commercial reality.

The control technology will be demonstrated on a floating tidal device in the Étel estuary in Brittany, France and on a seabed-mounted Nova M100 turbine in the Shetland Tidal Array in Scotland. With the climate challenge, Wood is looking to advance the energy transition by taking on projects like ELEMENT that allows us to share our expertise as well as unlock future solutions that will provide a more sustainable energy mix.

Turbulent tide

“Reliable tidal energy generation is now a reality. It is no longer a matter of ‘if,’ but ‘when’ the technology becomes mainstream. The sector has taken great strides forward in recent years, and our drive is now to reduce costs to compete with conventional generation."

Simon Forrest, Chief Executive Officer of Nova Innovation

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