Adapting for Canada’s evolving mining sector
View, collate and interrogate the results of global drilling riser analysis interactively. OptiView is a highly interactive tool for viewing, collating and interrogating the results of global drilling riser analysis performed in DeepRiser. It is provided as standard with DeepRiser for office-based use and can also operate in standalone mode for use on-board mobile offshore drilling units.
When drilling offshore wells with dynamically positioned (DP) drilling rigs, well specific operating guidelines (WSOG) for each well location can involve simulating many load cases. OptiView is a specialised post-processing tool that works with our global drilling riser analysis tool, DeepRiser, which allows the riser analyst to quickly and easily extract the results of interest from across multiple load cases and generate clear, concise plots and tables that provide the key information required by offshore personnel.
OptiView is built around the principle of data as a deliverable. It allows operating criteria, such as operability envelopes, results from drift-off analyses, hang-off analyses, and recoil analyses, to be generated and collated efficiently onshore by the riser analyst and then transmitted directly offshore where they can be viewed by operational personnel.
OptiView supplements the traditional printed global riser analysis report - containing pages of plots and tables that can make finding relevant results a challenge - with an interactive tool that allows offshore personnel to quickly and easily access relevant guidance for specific operational scenarios, and to view only the relevant criteria relating to the current operational conditions.