Decarbonising upstream oil and gas - where are the opportunities?
Well Integrity Management starts with a clearly written set of strategy and policies that define a company’s philosophy and procedures. Establishing a comprehensive documentation that is robust enough to cover the full well life cycle from design to abandonment is a vital task to successful well integrity management. Wood has produced numerous well integrity manuals for operators worldwide that sets company’s approach to well integrity based on national, international and industry best practices. Wood caries out audits of client WIMS for benchmarking purposes. The recommended WIMS may be documented in a well integrity management manual (WIMM) or incorporated into the organisation’s existing documentation. This forms a starting point – as well integrity is managed over time, documentation should be updated to reflect lessons learnt and knowledge gained. In this way, a continuously improving WIMS can be maintained. We also provide Well Integrity training to suit client needs. Wood iWIT™, developed from over a decade of investigating and addressing well integrity issues is a comprehensive, web-based well integrity management software system developed to meet the demands of well integrity management.
Wood Engineers have investigated a wide range of oil and gas well integrity problems including sustained annulus pressures, tubing failure, conductor failures. We have assisted operators to review their well stock, risk rank and prioritise them for further investigation or for intervention planning. We have also carried out new well design reviews to deliver well integrity assurance and improve on planned designs. Data collection and review form the basis of our well integrity evaluation followed by remedial actions recommendation and finally suggestion for strategies to prevent recurrence.
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