Policies & documents

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Embedding sustainability in our governance ensures we manage and retain focus on key sustainability issues.

We seek to be transparent in our approach to sustainability.  As our journey on sustainability evolves, so too will our governance mechanisms; we are committed to remaining transparent on our journey through the external publication of key policies, documents and reports. We aim to keep all our stakeholders informed on the topics material to our business and on the impact we have on sustainable development.


Wood's sustainability strategy is informed by our materiality process and assessment every three years. Performance is disclosed across a range of global reporting frameworks and standards, guiding our approach and ambition in delivering Wood's contribution and commitment to sustainable development.

We conduct periodic materiality assessments to inform our strategic direction over a 3-year period, or where there is significant change in the business.  This approach makes sure we focus on the topics most valuable to our business and stakeholders.

Details on our materiality assessment can be found on our materiality page.

Reporting standards and frameworks