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Wood takes responsibility for our environmental impact. Strong and consistent environmental management is not only essential to protect our business, but also the people and places where we operate.
The effects of climate change, the amount of waste on land and in our waters, alongside man made impacts on the world’s fragile ecosystems, makes managing environmental risk, competence and awareness, of strategic importance for any business. We recognise our responsibility to the environment and our stakeholders alike, and we are taking action to reduce the environmental impact of our operations.
We believe Wood plays a pivotal role in helping to address global issues on sustainable development. No business is immune to the effects of climate change, and our collective responsibility to manage our impacts on the environment is vital to ensuring the sustainability of the planet we share.
As a service provider, in many instances we operate under varied and often limited operational control. Identifying and mitigating environmental risks effectively is fundamental to the sustainability and resilience of our business and that of our clients. Ensuring we set consistent environmental standards and maintain competence on environmental management, means we continue to protect the environment around us, retain our license to operate, and deliver a sustainable business.
Wood’s global network of experts in policy, environmental science, sustainability and engineering work seamlessly to help clients develop and operate compliant, productive assets. With technical and regulatory expertise covering water, land use, air and all related ecosystems, we focus on addressing our clients' environmental challenges and managing important inputs from regulatory authorities and other key stakeholders.
To ensure we remain proactive on fast evolving environmental issues, we monitor developments and changes in environmental policies to provide an early look on emerging regulatory trends and likely changes to regulations. This work ensures we continue to bring the right mix of services to market and remain aligned with global standards on environmental management.
Our commitment to the environment is set out in our HSSE Policy, supported by our global HSSES management system and Environmental Standards.
Wood’s mandatory Environmental Standards ensure consistent delivery of environmental management across all our operations, complimented by our environment standards self-assessment tool, training material and periodic assurance on our activities.
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Supporting our efforts to reduce impact on the environment, in 2021 Wood published a series of sustainability goals. Effective environmental management, competence and awareness is essential in meeting our goals.
Our waste reduction goal seeks to reduce plastic waste termed as ‘single use’, as defined by the European Union Directive 2019/904. Our science-based carbon reduction goal will deliver an absolute reduction in our scope 1 (direct fuels consumption) and scope 2 (indirect purchased electricity and steam) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
In addition, Wood has signed up to the ‘Pledge to Net-Zero’, the first industry commitment in the UK requiring science-based targets from its signatories to tackle greenhouse gas emissions, supporting the UNFCCC’S Race to Net Zero. The pledge recognises the need for organisations to take a leadership role in the transition to a net zero carbon economy.
Visit our sustainability goals page to learn more, and our progress so far.
Our global approach to environmental management is aligned to ISO14001:2015, which provides the framework for how we manage our global environmental responsibilities, ensuring our processes remain effective in delivering continuous improvement in our environmental performance.
Compliance with our Environmental Standards is mandatory throughout Wood, creating a consistent approach to environmental management. They have been developed following a comprehensive review of Wood’s environmental commitments and performance, considering environmental best practice, regulatory performance and environmental incident investigations and learning.
The standards are split into two sections and each section is further sub-divided into key elements covering key environmental aspects. A web-based gap analysis tool is used to assess compliance with the standards and aid improvement against a maturity scale.
Whilst our 14001:2015 certification covers over 11,000 employees globally, externally verified by Lloyds Registered, our management system extends beyond certification. Those areas not covered by our certification must comply with Wood’s minimum Environmental standards, which although not certified, have been developed to meet the requirements of the ISO 14001:2015 standard.
To view our most recent environmental performance, please refer to our ESG data sheet.