Stakeholder engagement

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Engage and delivering to our stakeholders

Our ability to effectively engage and deliver value to our stakeholders is vital to the long-term sustainability of our business. Understanding what is important to our stakeholders ensures we create sustainable value in the delivery of our strategy.

Wood has many stakeholders, each with a unique relationship to the company, whether as an employee, client, investor or an activist, each comes with differing needs and areas of focus.  Our sustainability programme focuses on three key stakeholder groups, our employees, our clients and our investors.  In addition to our key stakeholders, we place a focus on our commitment to the environment and the communities we impact, engaging a wide range of stakeholders to better deliver on our purpose and strategy. Detail on this can be found on our people and planet pages, as well as our Annual Report and Accounts.

Learn more

To learn more about our areas of engagement and outcomes, read our stakeholder engagement content in our Annual Report and Accounts.

Stakeholder engagement

Our Investors

It is important that our investors have confidence in the Company, how it is managed, and in its strategic objectives, to ensure that we have a stable, long-term shareholder base. By providing updates on our strategy and performance we can aid investor understanding and gain an insight into their priorities. The Company’s long-term success is also dependent on its good relationship with its lenders and their continued willingness to lend.  Investor pressure on business to respond to sustainability and ESG risk places an increasing importance on stakeholder engagement as an imperative to shaping a sustainable business model and investment proposition.

We have an active investor relations programme led by the Chief Executive, Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and the Investor Relations team.

Our main engagement activities include:

  • Meetings or calls with investors around the interim and full year results
  • Investor roadshows * Investor days and presentations
  • Ad hoc calls or meetings with investors
  • Meetings with the Chair of the Board around the AGM
  • Meetings with Chairs of the Committees of the Board

In addition to routine engagement on financial performance, strategy delivery and governance, we engage on a range of sustainability topics that draw on the expertise of the President of Sustainability and the extended sustainability team. To learn more about our areas of engagement and outcomes, read our stakeholder engagement content in our Annual Report and Accounts.

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